Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid After Dental Procedures
After an oral surgery of any kind, a big part of the successful recovery is that you follow the diet carefully. If you ignore it, it can result in complications that will likely require you to go back to the dentist. In some cases, it may undo the dentist's work and require it to be repeated.
Foods to Eat After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction
A wisdom tooth extraction creates a hole in your gums. It is usually left open to heal and a blood clot will usually form quickly. One problem that may occur after wisdom teeth removal is eating the wrong type of foods that could cause the blood clot to be dislodged. This will result in a painful dry socket – something you really want to avoid.
Foods to avoid include foods that are hard, such as bread with hard crusts, nuts, popcorn, European bread, pretzels, and chips. These foods can easily get into the socket, dislodge the clot, or they may cause infection. You also want to avoid eating hot foods or drinks because they may dissolve the clot, and stay away from fruit that has small seeds in them. Avoid spicy foods, too, and foods that are acidic or that require a lot of chewing. You also do not want to use a straw for at least five days because it can also dislodge the clot.
Foods to eat are soft foods but stay away from repeatedly eating foods that have a lot of sugar in them. You need healthy foods to provide the nutrition your gums need to heal properly and quickly. Ice cream is one food you can eat, but limit it because of all the sugar. Yogurt would be a better choice. You can also eat:
- Milkshakes
- Smoothies
- Applesauce
- Soups
- Pureed (or mashed) vegetables
- Mashed potatoes – regular and sweet
- Mashed bananas
- Mashed beans
- Scrambled eggs
- Cottage cheese
- Instant Oatmeal
- Broths
- Avocado.
Foods to Eat After Gum Surgery
After gum surgery or a gum grafting surgery, it is important to pay attention to the foods to avoid because they will disturb the stitches or irritate the surgery site. You may also have a surgery site on the roof of your mouth, which will be apt to make it unlikely that you will want to eat certain foods. Avoid spicy and hot foods, as well as crunchy foods, and foods with seeds in them.
You will need to eat soft foods for at least two weeks and possibly three. Even though there may be some pain at first, you need to maintain a healthy diet as much as possible, which will help to heal. Your gums and palate need time to heal.
You can eat soft foods such as milkshakes and smoothies, but do not use a straw. Soups are also a good choice, as well as cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, Jell-O, ice cream without nuts or other crunchy ingredients, scrambled eggs, applesauce, frozen yogurt, pasta, and rice. Instant breakfasts are good, too, as well as liquid supplements.
With gum surgery, it is important to avoid running your toothbrush over the surgery site for at least five days. The periodontist will likely recommend that you use an antimicrobial mouthwash to deal with plaque and to help prevent infection.
Any Oral Surgery
After you have had oral surgery, a clot will form over the site. The clot will help to protect the site and enable it to heal faster. The dentist may also put in some sutures. Depending on the dental procedures involved, the periodontist will provide some special instructions concerning what you can eat and when. For proper healing, it is important to follow the directions. Eating or drinking hot foods or liquids may dissolve the clot. If you use a straw or suck on anything, including cigarettes, it can also dislodge the clot.
When most people are told to limit themselves to soft foods for a week or so, they think that the food choices are severely limiting. Although it will require a change in your diet, there really are a wide variety of things that you can eat. The foods to eat choices may include:
- Applesauce
- Soups and broth
- Cottage cheese
- Pudding and custard
- Ice cream, frozen yogurt, and sherbet
- Fruit – mashed or cooked
- Cooked vegetables
- Smoothies
- Mashed potatoes – regular or sweet
- Fish
- Chicken or tuna salad
- Meatloaf
- Pancakes
- Scrambled eggs
- Pasta – macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles
- Oatmeal
- Rice – including couscous and quinoa
- Pies, cheesecake, and cake
- And many more.
About Smoking
You must stop smoking for at least 48 hours after the surgery. Smoking reduces the oxygen and nutrients in your gums and will slow the healing process. It may also increase your risk of infection. You also want to ask your oral surgeon how soon before the surgery you should stop, because this may also affect the outcome.
Before you have oral surgery, it is a good idea to check and make sure that you have some soft foods in your home. You should have enough for several days. This will save you from going out to the store after the procedure.
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